MONTREAL, July 2021 – As proud sponsor and official Pizza of the Montreal Canadiens, Pizza Pizza has pledged free slices for the city of Montreal on July 14th. The brand hopes to celebrate the Montreal Canadiens tremendous season and valiant playoff effort with a Pizza Pizza Party for Montrealers alike.
On July 14th, between 11am – 3pm ET, fans will have the opportunity to grab 1 free slice of pepperoni or cheese at Montreal Pizza Pizza locations by showing they have the Pizza Pizza app downloaded.

The Pizza Pizza Party is in honour of a prolific playoff performance that showcased emerging young talent, podium pizza celebrations and epic series comebacks. The event is to also celebrate the team’s bright future. As proud sponsor of the club since 2007, Pizza Pizza is hoping to get the city out and enjoy a free slice.
No purchase necessary. One slice per person, cheese or pepperoni only. Not available online, for delivery or pick-up, in-store only. The Pizza Pizza app must be presented at time of redemption. Only available in Montreal locations. Can not be combined with any other offer. Only available on July 14th 2021, between 11AM – 3PM EST. Additional items extra.